Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day Festivities!

Today I spent Christmas at my sister's house! I told my oldest niece that she could call me and get me out of bed so I could rush over and open presents! Fortunately it wasn't 4am like my niece said it would be. She threatened to set her alarm for that early! Seriously! Had it been that early I would have just stayed up because I didn't get home from Janice's until late anyway! The phone rang and they wanted to know how long it would be before I arrived. I said 20 minutes (my sister said she was going back to bed until I got there!). So armed with Starbucks coffee in hand, I grabbed my coat and headed out! It was so nice to have stayed in my jammies all day! My oldest niece commented to me later on in the day that I still had my PJs on and I had no comment. I don't even remember the last time I was able to have a PJ day and enjoy coffee ALL DAY LONG! Oh the simple pleasures! It was great to spend time with them, read and of course did I mention drink coffee!

My nephew wanted a Webkinz for Christmas and he couldn't be prouder of it!

Is that Hannah Montana?

Remember the stocking I brought over? Look at it compared to my sister's youngest! It was filled alright! With balls, bags and a few goodies! He he he!

My nieces and nephew and I!

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