Friday, October 10, 2008

Even more..

My nephew and his little sister!

Trees in Indiana in the Spring time!

More fun pics!

My oldest niece on my parents farm!

My nephew playing near a pond!

My sister and her youngest daughter.

My niece and nephew playing.

Garden near my apartment.

Favorite Pictures

I am absolutely in love with photography! These are some of my favorite pics that I have taken!


My youngest sister came to visit over my birthday! It was a lot of fun and a good break from all of the stress I had going on. She has all the funny pics on her camera so I will have to post those later!

Alicia and I

Alicia, Snugglebug and I(Snugglebug found it necessary to be in every pic!)

My sisters and I

My summer...

Summer has come and gone....I know but here is what mine looked like! I was a nanny for Ad and Em during the summer and we spent a lot of time in the pool! Not that I minded. The most hilarious thing that they come up with was stuffing water balloons in their swimsuits! I thought I was going to die laughing! It was sooooo funny! You can tell by the pics the fun that they had!

Ad, Em and I in the pool

Ad, Em and their friend Peyton with the water balloons in their swiwsuits!

Em and Ad at VBS!

Over the past 6 months...

Over the past few months a lot has been going on. For whatever reasons me trying to post pictures has been difficult! So here is the update. I have celebrated birthdays, had a random cat visit my house which my dog found humorous, and walked with my friend Janice in the Susan B. Komen walk for a cure! Janice has been battling StageIV cancer for about 8 months now and was able to make it for the walk! It was fun "racing" her and the other participants who were also in wheelchairs!

Reagan and I at her birthday

The girls and I (I am taking the pic) celebrating Darci's Birthday

Random visiting cat!

Janice and her posse of support on the 5K run/walk!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Morning Wake Up Call!

So, I don't like creepy, crawly, slithering critters. If I had a choice I would choose crawling ones but none of them work for me. But being suddenly awakened by a roach on my kitchen counter woke me up faster than a double espresso from Starbucks. I am not a morning person at all. I am lucky to grunt and groan my way through my morning routine so to have it interrupted was not anticipated! I was minding my own business as I got breakfast ready when I disturbed the sleeping varmint. I don't scream easily but I screamed this time and my dog came running to see what was up. So here I am jumping like a little Mexican Jumping Bean around my kitchen trying quickly decide what I was going to do next. Armed with Lysol and Pledge (sorry it was the only chemicals that I could aim at the little bugger...I don't invite the pests in so I don't keep a supply of Raid on hand!)...I took action trying to just stun it enough so I could pick it up and get rid of it. Laugh if you will but the whole time I had to keep telling myself.."Be Brave...You can do it...I am brave..I am brave!" The little maggot crawled all over the counter and then into a box that I have there. That was the ultimate. Now I couldn't see it and that scared the crap out of me! I found him, scared him out of his hole where I was finally able to hose him down with some more Lysol and left him gasping for breath. The rest is history and he was flushed down the toilet! Then I looked at the clock and realized how much time I had wasted on the little bugger and scrambled to get out the door and to my 8am class on time! Since I was wide awake at this point it made it just a little easier!